Dynaguide – Keeping You In Tune!
Some short time back I received an email from Fred Dingemans of Dynaguide.nl, maker of a new string tree called Dynaguide.
Granted, I didn’t know what it was, but curiosity compelled me to check it out, and I was glad I did.
The concept is pretty simple, instead of the strings binding against a static fixed string tree, they’re retained by a small floating bar that travels along with the strings.

This same problem of friction above the nut has been tackled many times before.
There’s the traditional Tele style string tree – a small disc affixed with a screw – that although increased the necessary down pressure – didn’t address the original problem.
Roller trees that use what looks like a string’s ball end have been available for decades, and they certainly help. But they aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing.

Then we have the locking nut. Why tinker with all manner of re-invented string trees when you can eliminate the problem altogether? Clamp the nut!
But even that comes at a price – you have to unlock it to change strings, tuning gets complicated, and ultimately, it’s more work.
Thankfully, Fred has created an elegant and effective solution to a fundamental guitar tuning problem.
Here’s the best part, Fred was amazingly responsive in communicating with me, what a pleasure. Small business has it’s advantages – often times you’re talking directly with the owner of the company, How cool is that! Thanks Fred!
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